Month: September 2007
Support our troops! Don’t let them have Playboy!
They’re fighting for our freedoms. And in order to fight for our freedoms, thousands of miles away from home, thousands of miles from their sweethearts and husbands/wives, they must be kept pure and without sin. Therefore, Christian groups demand the military not allow PX stores to sell porn (aka Playboy). A Christian advocacy group is…
Casey Luskin – Game show audiences and national intellect: a study
I am always amused by this statement at the bottom of the Evolution News and Views website. It says: The misreporting of the evolution issue is one key reason for this site. Unfortunately, much of the news coverage has been sloppy, inaccurate, and in some cases, overtly biased. Evolution News & Views presents analysis of…
Schulte’s Analysis Challenging Climate Consensus Has Been Rejected
DeSmogBlog has the details. Apparently, “cut-and-paste” Schulte didn’t have anything new to say, not even enough for a journal like Energy and Environment to take it. Although, Richard Littlemore’s letter discussing his loose use of other researchers contributions might have helped. Here is the email that I sent to Boehmer-Christiansen” … Dr. Schulte’s analysis has…
Welcome A Few Things Ill-Considered!
It looks like it will be two announcements of new sciblings today. We have A Few Things Ill Considered joining us at Scienceblogs. It’s a climate science/debunking blog I’ve been familiar with for a while, and author of the excellent Howto talk to a climate skeptic. Welcome!
New Scibling – Sciencewoman
Welcome Sciencewoman to the block, as she starts up her new blog here. I’m continually impressed with our Sb overlords and their ability to acquire a diverse set of talented individuals. It seems they’re doing a better job the The Scientist as some of my sciblings have pointed out.
Credit Freeze: An Example of How Regulation Gives Consumers Choice Where the Market Wouldn’t
Brian Krebs reports good news: Trans Union, one of the three major consumer reporting agencies, will offer all consumers the option to freeze their credit files in order to prevent identity theft: A credit freeze directs the credit bureaus to block access to a consumer’s credit report and credit score. At present, at least 39…
Genomicron on Genome Size
For anyone curious about complexity, genome size, and non-coding or “junk” DNA, there are a number of good posts on the topic at Genomicron. See in particular Junk DNA: let me say it one more time fand Function, non-function, some function: a brief history of junk DNA for a discussion of what junk DNA is,…
American Churches Offshore Homophobic Leadership
Apparently lacking sufficiently homophobic leadership in the US, some American churches are turning elsewhere for their fire and brimstone. The Journal’s Andrew Higgins reports: MBARARA, Uganda — The Rev. John Guernsey, rector of a church in a middle-class Virginia suburb, stood early this month before thousands of Africans here on a rickety, ribbon-bedecked podium. Clutching…
A second crank finds Ioannidis
This time it’s Steve McIntyre representing for the anti-global warming cranks following the HIV/AIDS denialist lead and using John Ioannidis’ study to suggest science is bunk. Never mind that this research is primarily focused on medical studies. Never mind that the study wouldn’t even exist if replication in science didn’t identify in the first place.…
Sign the OTA petition
Second Innocence has gone and shown me up on my own issue. They’ve started a petition to reinstate the OTA. Please, show your support.