Regular readers of Denialism Blog are familiar with my love for the skymall catalog. I just love all the pictures of the kittens and the babes in their homes with gadgets that make their lives better.
And the quality of marketing, wow! You’d think that the makers of the SkyRest® Travel Pillow could hire a real model and do a professional shoot to advertise their highly efficacious and most excellent product! This picture looks like it was shot in-flight and they didn’t even have time to find a model without a mustache!
Today I write to share with you the Innovative Health Bracelet. This thing increases your protection against harmful waves! Yes, harmful waves are out to get you, and you might experience them near a microwave, your office, when you use a cell phone, and when you golf and run. The nice thing about this bracelet is that you can have it inscribed with a diamond-encrusted cross, as an offering to Christ. And it includes medical magnets! Only $79.95. Call now!
My favorite part of this ad is the “MEASUREMENT OF BODY HEAT TEST.” What, exactly, is meant by the results of this “test?” From a lawyer’s perspective, it appears that your head becomes frozen during the use of a mobile phone. No worries with the Innovative Health Bracelet, because “with product” your face becomes red and healthy again!
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