Author: MarkH

  • World Malaria Day

    The World Health Organization has declared today World Malaria Day. Why “World Malaria Day”? World Malaria Day is an opportunity for malaria-free countries to learn about the devastating consequences of the disease and for new donors to join a global partnership against malaria. World-wide there are about a million deaths yearly from malaria, mostly in…

  • GM foods cause delusions

    Here at denialism blog, we’ve written a bit about so-called Morgellons syndrome. Every once in a while, when I tire of sanity, I scan the news for more Morgellons madness, and when it comes to madness, Mike Adams never disappoints. In his latest foray into paranoid idiocy, he tries to link this non-existent illness to…

  • Skeptics’ Circle Number 85

    Andrea’s Buzzing about the latest skeptic’s circle. I’d point out in particular Blake Stacey’s discussion of the real expelled, scientists who challenge creationism. And I’d also recommend the Pap smear to Skepchic. It makes sense in context.

  • Vox Day’s Crazy Dad Threatens Judge’s Life

    Dude. If you thought Vox Day (the guy with the minge haircut) was crazy, check out what his crazy dad has been up too since he fast captured last year: The trial of millionaire tax protester Robert Beale turned bizarre even before jury selection began Monday as the prosecutor announced the arrest of four of…

  • Al Qaeda is apparently irritated by 9/11 conspiracy cranks too

    Here’s one of the more amusing news stories I’ve seen. Apparently Al Qaeda is irritated with Ahmadinejad’s 9/11 conspiracy theories. It turns out the people who committed the atrocity are quite proud of it, and don’t want people to forget it. Al-Qaida’s No. 2 leader issued a new audiotape Tuesday accusing Shiite Iran of spreading…

  • Do I have clients or patients?

    One of my duties involves teaching nurse practitioner students. Nursing is quite different from medicine, and many of the linguistic markers of nursing differ significantly from medicine. As more physicians’ assistants and nurse practitioners enter the primary care world there will be a bit of a culture clash. For instance, my NP students often refer…

  • Domestic violence is bad for your health

    A new study this month in The Lancet examined the health impact of domestic violence (of women by men). This was a very large WHO-funded study looking at multiple physical and mental health problems in abused vs. non-abused women. This is necessarily an observational study, but appears to be well done, and included a large…

  • Expelled as Holocaust denial

    I’ve been reluctant to write about Expelled from the perspective of their abuse of the memory of the Holocaust. Ever since I learned that they were going to recycle the ludicrous Darwin-caused-Hitler argument I’ve been sending out emails to asking other experts their take on whether or not it constitutes a serious affront. Now reading…

  • Is injecting yourself with a human pregnancy hormone a good idea?



    Certainly not! But unfortunately we need to look a little more closely. It’s been a while since I’ve posted on hard-core woo, and I miss it, so here’s a little tip for you: if a diet sounds too good to be true, then it is. Weight loss is very hard, unless you are very sick.…

  • There is no pro-science political party

    With the news that in addition to John McCain both Clinton and Obama have now pandered to anti-vaccine denialism I think it’s time to reiterate there isn’t a political party in this country that has a truly sound grasp on sound science. And in this instance it is clear that both sides are more than…