Category: Skepticism

  • Welcome a new Scibling

    The Angry Toxicologist is here! He’s already got a bunch of posts up and he’s clearly a man after my own heart. Show him some love.

  • Skeptic’s Circle #65

    Skeptic’s Circle #65 is up at Neurologica. I think I have to do it next time, is that right Orac?

  • Check out my sciblings

    Two posts on the scienceblogs today that shouldn’t be missed. Orac on second-hand smoke and those who deny it’s health effects. And Kevin Beck on Penis Pills. It’s a great example of the failure to teach critical thinking skills that people can sell tiny doses of ginseng to insecure males and actually make a profit.

  • CNN covers “the Secret”

    And actually doesn’t make a hash of it. If CNN actually dedicated this much effort to all their journalism, people might actually emerge from their site more informed than when they showed up – a rare occurrence. For those of you who haven’t heard of “the Secret”, it’s the latest woo-laden self-help nonsense that proposes…

  • Bottled water is for chumps

    I for one salute Gavin Newsom for refusing to waste government money on bottled water. I have never bought bottled water. It’s silly to spend good money on bottled water when throughout this country it’s possible to drink clean potable water for free or a tiny fraction of the cost of bottled water – and…

  • Skeptic’s Circle Number 63

    It’s up at Relatively Science. Swing by and show them some love.

  • A confluence of idiocy

    You know how dumb Egnor sounds with his mind outside the brain cell-phone silliness? He sounds as dumb as Deepak Chopra writing more brain-dead new agey nonsense for the Huffington Post. To gain credibility, the mind outside the brain must also be mirrored inside the brain. If your brain didn’t register what the mind is…

  • 62nd Skeptic’s Circle is up

    At Polite Company. My favorite is Reasic’s late but thorough dissection of Michael Crichton in his “Aliens Cause Global Warming” speech.

  • The Testing Myth and NCLB

    Another credulous article on the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law appears today in the Washington Post. As someone who knows many teachers who have had experience with similar stupid laws in Virginia, and the history of the Bush administration pushing for these kinds of laws based on the “Texas Education Miracle”, I’m far more…

  • Left wing woo from HuffPo

    The last day or so of posts on HuffPo is a perfect example of why I’ll never take that site seriously, and why in the end, lefties are just as susceptible to anti-science nonsense as the right. We start with Donna Karen promoting her new health-care initiative, the Well-Being Forum with much credit to hucksters…