Category: Uncategorized

  • Ron Paul & Clicktivism

    The point raised by yesterday’s Times article on Ron Paul was that while Paul attracts big crowds, these crowds do not translate into voter turnout. Perhaps the problem is that Paul has appeal within his fervent base, but that base is unable to influence people outside the circle. If Paul can attract thousands to a…

  • Homeschooling needs either tighter regulation or to be banned

    At Alternet there is a great article by Kristin Rawls on homeschooling and educational neglect. I think it makes an excellent argument that homeschooling needs either tighter regulation and oversight, or needs to be outright outlawed: In recent weeks, homeschooling has received nationwide attention because of Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s homeschooling family. Though Santorum…

  • Pennsylvania next in line to require transvaginal U/S prior to abortion

    Pennsylvania is poised to enact a ultrasound bill even more stringent than Virginia’s failed bill. Even as the transvaginal ultrasound bill in Virginia was causing national outrage, Pennsylvania conservatives were quietly pushing a even more restrictive abortion bill. The legislation is designed with so many difficult and differing restrictions that long-time abortion policy analyst Elizabeth…

  • Elsevier Blinks, Will No Longer Support Research Works Act

    In a victory for science, and those who favor open access for the easy dissemination of scientific results to the public and scientists around the world, Elsevier has withdrawn support for the Research Works Act. I think credit has to go to Tim Gowers calling for and Michael Eisen spreading the word on the boycott…

  • Planned Parenthood: Trying to Addict Your Kids to Sex

    How’s this for a tinfoil hat conspiracy, brought to you by the American Life League– Planned Parenthood’s strategy in this great world is to: Phase one: Get kids addicted to sex. Phase two: profit! Through selling birth control, STD testing, and abortion.

  • Should doctors fire patients who won't vaccinate?

    WSJ has an article about the increasing number of pediatricians who fire their patients who refuse to vaccinate: Pediatricians fed up with parents who refuse to vaccinate their children out of concern it can cause autism or other problems increasingly are “firing” such families from their practices, raising questions about a doctor’s responsibility to these…

  • "Incentives" for 5 Star Reviews on Ecommerce Sites

    In case you missed it, here’s a pointer to a recent Times story concerning baked reviews on Amazon and the like. In it, David Streitfeld describes how one company gave rebates to customers in exchange for five star reviews. They even seem to have a claque to address detractors– Even a few grouches could not…

  • Should Search Engines Warn of Denialism?

    Evgeny Morozov argued in Slate last week that search engines could do more to warn readers about kooks online. Among other things, he cites to a recent article in Vaccine that details the tactics of anti-vaccine denialists. Morozov points to Google’s special treatment of certain searches, such as “ways to die.” Perhaps an alert can…

  • How Do you Want to Die?

    Via Zite I found the article How Doctors Die by Ken Murray and was surprised to find it one of the best I’ve read on the issue of end-of-life care. The context is that of how Doctors typically forgo extreme measures in the face of terminal diagnoses, and often reject the type of care we…