You know the most obnoxious thing about 9/11 conspiracy theorists? They make idiots like Jonah Goldberg look right about something.
Goldberg, who as far as I can tell has never made an accurate prediction, finally has figured out a great way to make Democrats look bad rather than just embarrass himself and the Republicans. He writes for the LA Times “Just How Crazy are the Dems?”, and sadly, he’s got a point. The Democrats, their candidates, and sites like Daily Kos have failed miserably to quash support for conspiratorial thinking about 9/11. And it makes them look, really, really bad.
MOST FAIR-MINDED readers will no doubt take me at my word when I say that a majority of Democrats in this country are out of their gourds.
But, on the off chance that a few cynics won’t take my word for it, I offer you data. Rasmussen Reports, the public opinion outfit, recently asked voters whether President Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks beforehand. The findings? Well, here’s how the research firm put it: “Democrats in America are evenly divided on the question of whether George W. Bush knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance. Thirty-five percent of Democrats believe he did know, 39% say he did not know and 26% are not sure.”
So, 1 in 3 Democrats believe that Bush was in on it somehow, and a majority of Democrats either believe that Bush knew about the attacks in advance or can’t quite make up their minds.
There are only three ways to respond to this finding: It’s absolutely true, in which case the paranoid style of American liberalism has reached a fevered crescendo. Or, option B, it’s not true and we can stop paying attention to these kinds of polls. Or there’s option C — it’s a little of both.
Oh the pain! It hurts. How could so many people believe in such an idiocy? Goldberg even has the correct advice for dealing with the problem.
No, the right response to the Rosie O’Donnell wing of the Democratic Party is “It’s just make-believe.” But if they really believe it, then liberals must stop calling themselves the “reality-based” party and stop objecting to the suggestion that they have a problem with being called anti-American.
Worst of all, this polling is so embarrassing, it gives Goldberg the opportunity to look generous in his criticism of Democrats and liberalism.
And then there’s option C, which is most assuredly the reality. The poll is partly wrong or misleading, but it’s also partly right and accurate. So maybe it’s not 1 in 3 Democrats suffering from paranoid delusions. Maybe it’s only 1 in 5 , or 1 in 10. In other words, the problem isn’t as profound as the poll makes it sound. But that doesn’t mean the Democratic Party doesn’t have a serious problem.
This is what I hate about the 9/11 conspiracy theorists the most. They make Republicans look so reasonable when they call liberals crazy. The Democratic leaders in response to the 9/11 truthers have said stupid things like “they’ll look into it” or act like it’s some position worthy of study. Even worse, prominent activists like Cindy Sheehan have expressed support for 9/11 truth, making the anti-Bush crowd look like raving crackpots. This behavior should be unacceptable. It isn’t enough to just ignore the truthers or delete their contributions as Daily Kos, or worse humor them by saying “you’ll look into it”. It’s time for the Democratic party and the netroots to actively denounce conspiratorial thinking about 9/11 or else risk looking more ridiculous on this issue.
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