9/11 with office supplies

You remember when that creationist thought a can of peanut butter disproved evolution?

If you thought that was funny, you got to start watching some troofer videos. Screw Loose Change found this wonderful entry:

I realize this is low hanging fruit. But it was too funny to ignore.


18 responses to “9/11 with office supplies”

  1. I conclude that the new Freedom Tower should be constructed entirely of plastic letter trays, but the architects should leave out the giant phone book on top.

  2. Thank God we have real genius’ like him getting to the bottom of what really happened…

  3. Ribozyme

    In this “simulation”, would he be the equivalent of the Stay Pufty giant monster in the first Ghostbuster movie?

    There is a reason why the Materials Resistance courses are among the most difficult ones for engineering majors…

  4. I thought for sure this guy was yankin’ everyones chain but reading through the comments…. sheesh.

  5. Ray M

    I also assumed this was a spoof, and kept waiting and waiting for him to collapse in a heap laughing his head off at all the dumb jackasses who were taking him seriously. My guess is that he must be Houdini’s reincarnation, since he obviously just managed to escape that nice comfy jacket with sleeves that go right round his body…

  6. God must really hate skeptics if he reincarnated Houdini as this tinhatter.

  7. My favorite part of the video is when he says, towards the end (paraphrase) “In nature, building do not fall like they fell on 9/11”. It would be really, really hard to parody something like that.

  8. It’s a good job he pointed out that it wasn’t an exact replica of the WTC, as that would have been hard to tell just by looking.

  9. Oy. The sad thing is that there will be people taking this video seriously.

  10. Glad I wasn’t drinking anything when he picked up the phone book.

  11. Low hanging fruit? That was low hanging knuckles.

    What’s with the finger thing at the beginning? He doesn’t seem to know that those are supposed to be there for audio synch, not least of all because the audio isn’t synched.

  12. Let’s see … which is lower hanging fruit? This video, or the postulation that because of a fire in WTC Bldg. 7 (without any planes full of fuel to burn), the entire building fell at free-fall speed with no resistance at any point throughout the fall? Hmmn…??

    Let’s face it, for a person to believe that (after even a cursory glance at the videos and evidence) they would either have to be a) an absolute idiot, or b) simply unwilling to believe any other explanation due to a deep-seated fear of the implications.

  13. Try reading.

    Oh, and how’d you calculate “free fall” speed. I’ve been increasingly convinced twoofers have no idea what that means.

  14. “Let’s face it, for a person to believe that (after even a cursory glance at the videos and evidence) they would either have to be a) an absolute idiot, or b) simply unwilling to believe any other explanation due to a deep-seated fear of the implications.”

    I’m willing to believe that at least one person here is an absolute idiot. Are there any 911 conspiracy claims that aren’t demonstrably false?

  15. Andrew Dodds

    Jim –

    I don’t suppose you would like to tell me *why* WTC7 was ‘demolished’? Zero propaganda value, supposedly a ‘smoking gun’ for the whole conspiricy… why bother?

    I just can’t get an answer from the troofers on that one.

  16. I will say that…..Good video..

  17. Really I enjoyed the video… thanks!


    Prakash Arige
    Office Supplies are pretty boring, but what about organization, productivity, office humor and annoying your coworkers

  18. Hello

    Really a nice video..Office supplies and office products are essential for every office..we are promoting the Emadill office company which supplies these types of products..


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