Month: June 2007
Doctor Payola
An article in today’s New York Times shines some light on drug industry gifts to doctors. Pretty interesting stuff: Vermont officials disclosed Tuesday that drug company payments to psychiatrists in the state more than doubled last year, to an average of $45,692 each from $20,835 in 2005. Antipsychotic medicines are among the largest expenses for…
Want to hear a dirty little secret?
The New York Times writes an editorial about hospital rankings based on mortality of medicare patients from cardiac disease, and not surprisingly, misses the point on metrics of patient survival comparisons between hospitals. Famed medical institutions like Johns Hopkins, the Cleveland Clinic and Massachusetts General Hospital are lumped into the broad national average category when…
CNN covers “the Secret”
And actually doesn’t make a hash of it. If CNN actually dedicated this much effort to all their journalism, people might actually emerge from their site more informed than when they showed up – a rare occurrence. For those of you who haven’t heard of “the Secret”, it’s the latest woo-laden self-help nonsense that proposes…
WaPo publishes anti-GW nonsense
The pathetic thing is that it’s the same old tripe. Emily Yoffe writes “Gloom and Doom in A Sunny Day” and rehashes the same tired old anti-GW tripe. We start with the use of an idiotic example of misunderstanding climate change to mock global warming:
The drug war – another assault on reason
I’m deeply saddened by the results of the most recent Supreme Court decision on the free speech rights of students. The so-called “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” case was decided in favor of the school. WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Supreme Court ruled against a former high school student Monday in the “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” banner…
Another loss for ID
The Brits have decided that Intelligent Design creationism, is well, creationism. It will not be allowed in science classes in the UK. The government has announced that it will publish guidance for schools on how creationism and intelligent design relate to science teaching, and has reiterated that it sees no place for either on the…
Bottled water is for chumps
I for one salute Gavin Newsom for refusing to waste government money on bottled water. I have never bought bottled water. It’s silly to spend good money on bottled water when throughout this country it’s possible to drink clean potable water for free or a tiny fraction of the cost of bottled water – and…
I can deal with a PG rating
Mingle2 – Online Dating I actually try to be less potty-mouthed since I joined science blogs. I’m trying to differentiate myself from PZ.
Science Covers
Tara points out that we missed a nice little article in Science last week about our friends at AidsTruth. They discuss their ongoing efforts to counter HIV/AIDS denialism on the Web. Launched by AIDS researchers, clinicians, and activists from several countries, offers more than 100 links to scientific reports to “debunk denialist myths” and…