Cult of Scientology update

There are a few news items worth mentioning.

The daughter of a Norwegian politician
killed herself after taking a “personality test” at a Scientology cult office near her dormitory. Given the cult’s history, I can see why folks would like to draw a causal connection here, but there aren’t many details in the news reports. I hardly seems likely that one encounter with the cult would be enough to drive someone to suicide—it is more likely that she was already depressed, and was unlucky enough to seek help in the wrong place.

A not-so-well-known TV actor who used to be a cult member is speaking out against the “church” in a new video. He isn’t the most articulate spokesperson for sanity, but the video is pretty damning. It contains a lot of Scientology jargon, and comes off as the testimony of someone who has recently escaped, is pissed off, and wants everyone to know. There’s more from (erp!) Fox.

The taxpayers of Boston were nearly duped into paying for a Scientology cult school. The school’s grant application specifically states that the curriculum will be based on the methods of Applied Scholastics, an arm of the cult that claims:

Based on L. Ron Hubbard’s extensive technology, Applied Scholastics™ programs enable individuals to handle the literacy and education of the children and people in their communities.

Aside from Establishment Clause problems, this is NUTS! It takes 15 seconds on google to find the Scientology connection here. The folks on the school board (or whomever is responsible) either didn’t know, or worse, did know.

Then, of course, there is the whole “Anonymous” thing—I bet that pisses them off.

Scientology is one scary cult, and they hate it when you call them out. In fact, they enjoy trying to intimidate those who speak out. All the more reason to do it, folks.


4 responses to “Cult of Scientology update”

  1. Anonymous

    As I understand it, the daughter had been depressed, but was recovering. She took one of Scientology’s tests, they gave her an incredibly bad score, and told her that she was depressed and worthless, and presumably that only they could help her. Even if you’re recovering from depression, it doesn’t take that much to push you back in, and Scientology’s personality tests are designed to leave the victim feeling like they’re worthless and helpless. It’s no surprise that people who are already in bad shape can be pushed over the edge by them – hell, if she was on medication, her suicide would add to the statistics they love to wave around about the dangers of psychiatrists and drugs.

    In other news, I’ve been following Scientology news for years, and was around for the original genesis of the raids on /b/. I’m off to buy a mask this afternoon, as I’ve been putting it off far too long.

  2. That utube is “no longer available”
    The Fox item says a new one is being released “wed or thur”


  3. ey’re worthless and helpless. It’s no surprise that people who are already in bad shape can be pushed over the edge by them – hell, if she was on medication, her suicide would add to the statistics they love to wave around about the dangers of psychiatrists and drugs.

    In other news, I’ve been follo

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