NNDB Map of the Discovery Institute

This is fun. Someone’s created a new NNDB mapper on the Discovery Institute. It’s called Theocracy Now!


  1. Beautiful work, however, I did have to send them an update on Dembski, so I suggested they amend Dembski’s profile to include Hobbies: Blowup Fridays, Excessive Petulance and Wearing Bad Sweaters. There was even a link that allowed me to send the Famous Sweater Pic.

    On a more serious note, I KNEW all this, BUT knowing it and visualizing the links in this format makes it even scarier. I would like to get a big scissors and start cutting away at some of those links.

  2. T. Bruce McNeely

    …Excessive Petulance…

    You mean Flatulence?

  3. The problem that I see is that there is no such thing as a good sweater.

  4. Where’s Ben Stein on that map?

    Chris H. – even fuzzy ones? 😉

  5. Wow, that’s scarier than SD-6.

  6. SD-6? The Agriculture section of the Statistical Directorate at the Welsh Assembly Government? They’re not that scary really.

    Cool map though.

  7. themadlolscientist

    DAMN, those people are inbred! No wonder there are so many retards in the bunch!

  8. Now, now, madlolscientist, be nice. Not all stupidity is genetic : )

  9. The problem that I see is that there is no such thing as a good sweater. What is the problem ı cant understand

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