
We’re closing in on the final moments. All the med students have gathered in the old med school auditorium at UVA. Per tradition, we all carry a dollar bill for a pool, with the last person to receive their envelope getting the pot (we get called randomly).
Results around 12, I’ll keep updating this post.

11:35 NBC 29 is here for their yearly match coverage. And the room is full of babies! A family event except for the covert drinking.

11:40 The dean is here with a sack of letters. Progress…. He says we’re the best class ever! Take that all you alumni!

11:45 One of our administrators is singing “matchmaker” to us. Ha!

11:50 I have envelope, received to polite clapping.

12:00 And the winner is… Wait… Crap they’re missing a letter. This will be a minute. Ok were good. General Surgery at Maryland!


  1. Hey cool, you will be in my home town 🙂

  2. Julie Stahlhut

    Congrats on your match, Mark!

  3. minimalist

    Congratulations! Come down here to the visit the NIH at least once, okay?

  4. Rogue Epidemiologist


    One of our guys matched to his pick, so we’re all pleased as punch for him, although we’re going to be sad to see him go.

  5. Casmall

    Congratulations Mark

  6. Erasmussimo

    So who got “Diseases of the Infant Lower Intestinal Tract” in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia?

  7. pelican

    Congrats on your match! A happy day!

  8. Congrats! I’m proud of you!

  9. Congrats and welcome to my state.

  10. Cousin Andy

    Congrats. It should be just like Grey’s Anatomy except without all of the sex. Kidding.

  11. Is this the University of Maryland, or what organization!

  12. Anonymous

    Judging by the Wiki article, Maryland is a great place to go. Lots of great institutions there, lots of places to go in your spare time. Hope you enjoy your time there. Di

  13. Jeff C.

    Congratulations, Mark!

  14. Denice Walter


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