Author: MarkH

  • Women physicians—a waste of a good education?

    Think about your own experiences—you’re at a party or a restaurant, and someone you’re with says something obviously racist. You cringe, but given the setting, you can’t decide how to react; after a pause, you probably decide to say something. Now imagine you’re at meeting for work, and a senior partner says something racist. You…

  • Homeopathy Awareness Week?

    Skepchick has apparently discovered that, as of yesterday, this is World Homeopathy Awareness Week. (Yes, starts on a Thursday…they were going to start on Monday, but the succussion took a while.) Well, I can get behind a public service like this. My contribution will be a side-to-side comparison of a homeopathic treatment and a real…

  • Alternative medicne and the straight line to AIDS denialism

    In order to bring you your daily dose of science, the Great Seed Overlords must pay the bills. Like any other medium, one of the ways this is done is by selling ad space. Internet ad engines generally have some sort of algorithm that choses ads based on the page content, thereby targeting readers’ interests.…

  • Skeptics’ Circle #84—read it today!

    The new Skeptics’ Circle is up at Archeoporn. Never miss an episode!

  • Democracy at work

    Despite my usual cynical nature, I had a favorable brush with politics last night. I was up in my kid’s bedroom, getting her bathed and ready for bed, when the phone rang. When my hands are full of soaking wet toddler I don’t usually answer the phone, but for some reason I picked it up.…

  • Denialist comments—a brief analysis

    My recent post on a local “holistic” doctor brought a number of considered and interesting comments (all of whom are quite polite and patient, even when I disagree with them). Some of the issues deserve fleshing out. Heart disease is a major killer. Hypertension is one of the strongest risk factors for heart disease. In…

  • Answers Research Journal—HAHAHAHAHA!!!

    So, Answers in Genesis cranked out the first issue of its new journal, and with all deliberate speed! It’s remarkable. I’m guessing that creation research doesn’t take quite as long as, say, real science. The pilot issue is a true testament to the idiocy of the Creation Cult. I guess we have to actually look…

  • There is no such thing as alternative medicine

    What is alternative Medicine, anyway? That’s a great question. I know it is, because I asked it. I get this question almost daily. The secret answer is that there is no such thing as alternative medicine. You don’t believe me? Why not–I am a doctor. There are several ways to define alternative medicine, and sometimes…

  • More stupid from the Huffington Post

    In a new apologia for Jenny McCarthy and the mercury militia, Alison Levy, writing for HuffPo, wonders what all the fuss is about. When I watch Jenny McCarthy on CNN or when I read the blogs (and comments) on autism, I keep wondering: What is this debate about? Yes, the parents of autistic kids are…

  • More from a local “alternatician”

    I recently posted an article on a particular “holistic” doctor’s take on salt–the bottom line is the bottom line; more expensive is better. You’d think I’d call it a day. However, if someone is going to advertise widely, he’s leaving himself open for criticism. How can one family physician have so many answers? He sells…