Category: Cranks

  • Obesity – Primary vs. Secondary prevention

    I will never forget the very first patient history I ever took. Part of medical school training is they send you onto the wards to gather patient histories and physicals so you learn to gather information effectively as a clinician. My first patient history was on a woman about 35 years old on the orthopedics…

  • The DI has discovered Ioannidis too!

    I realize it’s fundamental to being a crank, but the persecution complex of the IDers is getting really old. The latest is Bruce Chapman at Evolution News and Views, who no longer satisfied with grasping at the mantle of Galileo, is now groping for Semmelweis and Lister as well. The idea being, as usual, if…

  • Casey Luskin – Game show audiences and national intellect: a study

    I am always amused by this statement at the bottom of the Evolution News and Views website. It says: The misreporting of the evolution issue is one key reason for this site. Unfortunately, much of the news coverage has been sloppy, inaccurate, and in some cases, overtly biased. Evolution News & Views presents analysis of…

  • Ben Stein read the HOWTO

    Reading You Are Dumb’s take on Ben Stein and expelled, I found out they have a blog for the movie! I’m so excited, because it’s clear that Ben Stein, in his introductory post, shows he’s done his research and read the Crank HOWTO. Check it: Some of the greatest scientists of all time, including Galileo,…

  • Mike Adams branches out into TB denial?

    In a scathing attack on what he calls “gunpoint medicine”, Mike Adams attacks the medical establishment for their supposed ability to imprison patients, force treatments on people against their will and generally be very very evil. Health officials in Lawrenceville, Georgia have arrested and jailed Francisco Santos, a teenager who tried to walk out of…

  • Premise Media Loves Cranks

    Anyone who has been reading Scienceblogs knows that the creationists are all in a tizzy over their new movie expelled, which plans to unite the superstar power of Ben Stein with the superscience power of creationism. My favorite part of the whole thing, based on my appreciation for quality crankery, is the built-in persecution. You…

  • Mike Adams Crank Magnetism – now it’s the Secret!

    As if I needed more evidence for the phenomenon of crank magnetism, Mike Adams has a post on the Nutrition behind the Secret. Apparently, the secret to the Secret is Mike Adams nutritional advice. Few people really know one of the most important secrets to making “The Secret” work: Establishing the right nutrition and dietary…

  • Utah Miners and Cranky CEOs

    Some readers have been emailing me about the Utah mine disaster saying the mine owners are using some seriously fishy arguments. I am in no way shape or form a geologist, but after reading the coverage of the Utah mine collapse I can’t help thinking the CEO saying it was an earthquake – not a…

  • Do microwaves “nuke” the nutrients in food?

    No. However, there is never a shortage of crankery from Mike Adams who asserts Microwave ovens destroy the nutritional value of your food. There may be too much idiocy here to address but let’s get started. The rise of widespread nutritional deficiencies in the western world correlates almost perfectly with the introduction of the microwave…

  • Denialism in the news

    Alert readers have brought to my attention two articles of interest to the study of denialism. First a big fat article in Newsweek entitled The Truth About Denial is a good overview of the anti-scientific crusade of conservative crank tanks to dispute global warming. It has a nice timeline of the development of the denialist…