Category: Wasting your time
Read this Post! WSJ on Subliminal Advertising
Cynthia Crossen writes in today’s Journal about subliminal advertising: At a New York press conference 50 years ago, a market researcher, James Vicary, announced he had invented a way to make people buy things whether they wanted them or not. It was called subliminal advertising. He had tested the process at a New Jersey movie…
What Did You Do to Celebrate Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week?
Denialism blog has failed you. We totally missed Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. Would anyone like to share how they recognized this event?
Why Do-Not-Call Will Lead to Do-Not-Mail
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Jennifer Levitz and Kelly Greene report on lead generation firms (also known as list brokers), companies that sell databases of consumer information to businesses for marketing purposes: Older Americans around the country are getting duped by a seemingly innocuous tactic that can expose them to hard-sell pitches from the insurance…
Friday Magic Trick
In honor of Phenomenon and the fun of talking about magic tricks check out Ramana, aka Wouter Bijdendijk who has been doing the levitation trick shown below, only he’s doing it in front of the Whitehouse. Here he is doing a similar piece standing on the side of a building – more performance art really.…
WSJ on Credit Freeze, Monitoring, Alerts
In today’s Journal, Jane J. Kim writes very clearly about the different tools that are now available to consumers to protect themselves against identity theft. The article explains the advantages and disadvantages to each approach. Great reporting!
I’m Back
Sorry for the absence. Between travel, catching up from travel, and preparing manuscripts, I’ve been slow to blog. I’m back now, but still busy. Meanwhile, I’ve been enjoying cectic’s comics immensely. I can no longer figure out who in my RSS feed linked these strips, but they are awesome! Case in point, anyone want to…
Living the Bible, Literally
While Mark is in Begas, attempting to use his big brain to make money, you people are at my mercy!!1! Let us begin! Check out today’s Times for a book review of A. J. Jacob’s The Year of Living Biblically, One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible, the story of…
Denialism in Vegas
Today I’ll be leaving for Las Vegas until Sunday so I’ll leave it to my brother to post the next couple of days. Until then, have fun, and don’t let the cranks run wild in the comments.
Weirdest Headline Ever
Archbishop apologizes for giving Communion to Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence And what a great article too! PZ would love this group. On Oct. 7, Archbishop George Niederauer delivered the Eucharist to members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence – an activist group whose motto is “go forth and sin some more” – prompting cries of…