Seed Schwag – and Banner design time

I don’t know how many people knew about this – the sciencebloggers were informed a little bit late, but Seed had a competition on threadless to design a t-shirt in honor of our benevolent overlords, Seed publishing.

Here’s the winner


Also, you guys may have noticed our rotating masthead. Well, I’m announcing our own little competition, to design more banners for the denialism blog!

The banner submissions must be 756 width by 93 height. You can make a completely revolutionary new design or keep the basic format and add new fun symbols of cranks. Here’s our basic banner (pops) – click for the full size to save.

Email me your entries or host them yourselves and link in the comments. I’ll put up a gallery – or in the likely event that only one person participates – the submission after about a week. We’ll decide a winner and their banner will run for a full week – and then we may rotate in some of our other favorites.

So, go nuts! Make a banner that reflects what you think of when you think of cranks.


2 responses to “Seed Schwag – and Banner design time”

  1. Am I the first entrant? Here’s my submission. If you guys like it, but want something changed (like the subtitle), just let me know.


  2. That’s awesome! I love it. I’ve been getting entries via email too, don’t worry.

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