Friday Cat Blogging

Name this cat.


She appears to be a a Russian blue with silver coat, green eyes and mauve footpads. Although being a shelter cat, this could be pure accident. Her first google search was RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. And so far names in the running go from the simple Gray to Lucia.

It’s kitten season, and many more are looking for homes at the Charlottesville-Albermarle ASPCA. You can find all sorts of pets to adopt in your area from Petfinder or just look at pictures of kittens. While I was there they had piles of kittens. It was pretty unbelievable. I should have taken pictures for Cute Overload.

Also, I’ll take entries for banners for one more day. here’s the requirements basically, 756 x 93 and based on what comes to mind when you think of cranks or denialism. We’ve had some killer entries, and after the winner gets a week I’ll put all of them into rotation.


18 responses to “Friday Cat Blogging”

  1. Call the cat Floss.

    That way you can have Friday Floss blogging.

  2. Brum D

    Human intelligence vs. proximity to cat:

  3. She sure looks like a MoonShadow to me, fella.
    She is going to become a beautiful feline girly companion, too.

    All the best to both of you.

  4. I fostered *five* Russian Blues for the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA last year. (The Flickr set is here.) They were ridiculously cute. Just once, ever, did I manage to get them all in the same place at the same time. They were energetic little fuzzballs.

    The two I’m fostering now just found a home just a few minutes ago — a local woman saw my blog entry and e-mailed me to say she’ll take ’em.

    Lucia, BTW — totally the right name, at least based on the photo.

  5. meerasedai

    Is this cat in Charlottsville? I’ll adopt her! I’ve been wanted a cat!

  6. meerasedai

    Uh, minus the spelling error…

  7. Lindata

    My cat Sybille thinks she should be Sabelle.

  8. Name her Dora because she’s adorable. (Ok, that was bad.)

    I love kittens and I’d adopt another myself, but my husband is allergic. When we first started dating I promised him apart from the two cats I already had I wouldn’t adopt more. He’s put up with allergies for 7 years with a little change in lifestyle (no kitties allowed in the bedroom or on his chair).

    I can’t imagine not having a cat. I think I’ll go into withdrawal when Billy’s gone. 🙁

  9. meerasedai, this one is taken but her sister angela – similarly marked – is still there.

    Any SPCA this time of year though is going to have a ridiculous number of kittens to find homes for. It’s a great example of why people should spay and neuter. They were bringing them in in baskets.

  10. Yay Waldo! A vote for Lucia! That was my suggestion: after James Joyce’s daughter and because Russian Blues are called “Archangel Blues.” And because she changes color according to the light.

    Besides Angela there is also a lovely “adult” cat (I think she’s a year old?) with the same coloring, who was very sweet and purry. Adult cats at the CASPCA are only $35.

  11. Considering the whole denialism thing, perhaps you should name the cat No.

  12. ordinarygirl: My father is also allergic to cats, to the point of severly hampered breathing if there’s a cat living in the house at all. He doesn’t react to black cats though, and we’ve had three of them now, with no reactions from him. You could look into it, it is nice to have a cat around the house.
    I myself am strongly in favor of names like Cat, Kitty, Skitter, Scatter, and Gato. Other variations on “Cat” are fairly easy to come up with. Kot would be good, what with it being “cat” in Russian.

  13. All of my family’s gray cats have been named Smokey.

    But for this one? Asa. Asa Gray.

    Or, if you want to be more contemporary, Ana. Ana Tomy.

  14. My good friend Dr. Badger had a grey cat. The Cat, like most of my friends was disabled. In this case, because Dr. Badger had accidently run over her head with his car while backing it out of the drive way. He raced it to the vet and she survived well. But her face was a bit deformed and most people had a knee-jerk reaction upon seeing her.

    I’m not a cat person (as it were) but she was the loveliest cat I’ve ever known. It is said that a Dog can understand upwards of 300 human words but only a cat will try to use them. This cat was no exception. She would often try to carry on a conversation and sometimes, I almost knew what she meant.

    The cat’s name was “Relic”

    Be absolutely Icebox.

  15. Hey Waldo, thx for the inspiration– I’m going to sign up to be a foster parent too. (And I’m about to take a bunch of stuff over to the new CASPCA Rummage Sale site by Martin Hardware.)

    So far, Gray seems to have stuck as the name.

  16. Boris


  17. For formal occasions: Blue Smoke.

    Informal occasions: “Dang Cat”, “Little Monster” “Death to Fingers”, “Horrid Beast” all come to mind. 🙂

  18. I had a russian blue that I had to give away because of my in-laws stupid dogs. His name was batman and I think he deserves a side kick- Robyn.

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