Ah, the joys of reading the relatively new weekend edition of the Journal…There’s always news you can really use. For instance, if you happen to be in Atlanta and are hungry, the Journal will tell you exactly where you should sitting at Rathbun’s, depending on whether you are an A, an A+, or A++.
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Floorplan Key: Red=A ++ List; Yellow=A+ LIST; Blue=A LIST |
And when you’re done analyzing your status based on where the restaurant seats you, you can read about how to deal with your pesky, environmentally-conscience children! Ellen Gamerman reports:
In households across the country, kids are going after their parents for environmental offenses, from using plastic cups to serving non-grass-fed beef at the dinner table. Many of these kids are getting more explicit messages about becoming eco-warriors at school and from popular books and movies.
And of course, there is a book you can read to push back:
Earlier this month, a book called “The Sky’s Not Falling! Why It’s OK to Chill About Global Warming” hit the shelves. Its author, Holly Fretwell, says she sees it as an answer to what she calls “one-sided” environmental messages kids are getting in school and from books. “While riding a bike saves energy and is a great exercise, it gives you less time to do other things, like sports or homework,” she writes. “We drive our car because it gets us to work and play faster.”
My favorite: the sidebar on “HOW TO MANAGE YOUR ACTIVIST KID:”
Your daughter wants you to get a Prius but you don’t want to spend an extra $3,000.
Brian Day, executive director of the North American Association for Environmental Education, a professional nonprofit group based in Washington, says it helps to tell children that there’s more than one way to cut down on carbon emissions. He recommends driving less, and reminding kids about carpools.
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