Month: October 2007
What Did You Do to Celebrate Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week?
Denialism blog has failed you. We totally missed Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. Would anyone like to share how they recognized this event?
Ugly Teeth and consumer protection
Another sign the monkeys are running the zoo is the news that the head of consumer protection doesn’t want consumer protection. The top official for consumer product safety has asked Congress in recent days to reject legislation that would strengthen the agency that polices thousands of consumer goods, from toys to tools. On the eve…
Now I can’t wait to see the Golden Compass (what kind of daemon do you have?)
It’s already got the fundamentalists up in arms. Apparently, one of them managed to read something outside the accepted cannon of Christ-like books and now they’re all bothered about the December 7th release (see trailer) of the first installment of Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy – the Golden Compass (IMDB). According to, leading…
Doctors are conspiring to convince you you’re sick!
How do doctors decide what is healthy and unhealthy? Do they arbitrarily decide on risk factors to line their pockets – creating false epidemics as Sandy Szwarc at Junkfood Science suggests? Or, is there actually a science, called epidemiology, that is the basis for health recommendations? As I’ve said repeatedly, one of the sure signs…
Bloggers for Peer Reviewed Research
BPR3, or Bloggers for Peer-Reviewed Research Reporting has announced the release of their new icons. For those of you who don’t know what this is all about, it’s pretty simple. When we’re not making up lolcats, and being all super-serious, we want to have a simple way to communicate to the audience that we’re discussing…
Why Do-Not-Call Will Lead to Do-Not-Mail
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Jennifer Levitz and Kelly Greene report on lead generation firms (also known as list brokers), companies that sell databases of consumer information to businesses for marketing purposes: Older Americans around the country are getting duped by a seemingly innocuous tactic that can expose them to hard-sell pitches from the insurance…
A new low for FEMA – installing claques in press conferences
It’s the big news, at a FEMA press briefing FEMA employees threw softball questions to give the appearance of answering questions from the press. . No one asked about trailers with formaldehyde for those made homeless by the fires. And the media seemed to be giving Johnson all day to wax on and on about…
Friday Magic Trick
In honor of Phenomenon and the fun of talking about magic tricks check out Ramana, aka Wouter Bijdendijk who has been doing the levitation trick shown below, only he’s doing it in front of the Whitehouse. Here he is doing a similar piece standing on the side of a building – more performance art really.…
How not to be taken seriously
I think I’m going to have to add a new behavior to the crank HOWTO based on the latest campaign by troofers to get attention by disruption. First it was Bill Maher: Who I think handled it right. Now Bill Clin-ton.Bill also does a pretty good job with the kooks. But it has me thinking…