No, the Denialism Blog is not my personal travel blog, although it might seem that way lately. I was in Guatemala last month, where I encountered dirty hippies and woo, and learned about a new religion called new age.
This week, I was at the Consumer Electronics Show doing a consulting gig for a large software company. CES is amazing–140,000 attendees, 2,700 exhibits. It’s like being at the biggest Best Buy evar. I saw a 150″ HD plasma television, with pandas on the screen, the smallest bluetooth headsets imaginable, neat location-aware devices, etc.
Perhaps the most difficult challenge with CES is that it is in Vegas, a tasteless, and generally rapey city. And so, if you find yourself there, I strongly recommend that you go to Red Rock Canyon. It’s just 20 miles west of the strip, and perfect for a few hours (or days) of hiking.
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