Stuck in Vegas? Go to Red Rock Canyon

No, the Denialism Blog is not my personal travel blog, although it might seem that way lately. I was in Guatemala last month, where I encountered dirty hippies and woo, and learned about a new religion called new age.

This week, I was at the Consumer Electronics Show doing a consulting gig for a large software company. CES is amazing–140,000 attendees, 2,700 exhibits. It’s like being at the biggest Best Buy evar. I saw a 150″ HD plasma television, with pandas on the screen, the smallest bluetooth headsets imaginable, neat location-aware devices, etc.

Perhaps the most difficult challenge with CES is that it is in Vegas, a tasteless, and generally rapey city. And so, if you find yourself there, I strongly recommend that you go to Red Rock Canyon. It’s just 20 miles west of the strip, and perfect for a few hours (or days) of hiking.




  1. Moopheus

    The Valley of Fire (down the road in the other direction from Red Rock, as I recall) is also worth a visit, though not so much for hiking in the summer. The place really earns its name.

    Also, if you’re going to be there at the right time, and can plan ahead, there’s a free once-a-month bus tour of the Nevada Test Site that’s pretty cool if you’re into that sort of thing.

  2. I agree with Moopheus. Valley of Fire is amazing, and a lot less crowded than Red Rock. If you want to drive a couple of hours, there’s Death Valley National Park as well.

  3. A “rapey” city?

  4. Red Rock is a beautiful site. It was a great relief from the forced design of Las Vegas. I also recommend Hoover Dam, strictly from an engineering viewpoint.

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  6. Great climbing in that area.

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