Mass Delusion

Update: looks like the picture expired from Tumblr. It was a picture of a teabagger in Washington DC holding a sign that said “We Are John Galt,” which is pretty much retarded.


25 responses to “Mass Delusion”

  1. Wasn’t John Galt an incredibly rich fictional person who sexually assaulted his employees?

  2. I find the “We” part of “We are John Galt” a bit ironic. Sounds a bit like an expression of collectivism, the Randian bete noir.

  3. Hell, John Galt? I am FRODO.

  4. Reminds me of the crowd in “Life of Brian” all chanting back in unison… “We are all individuals”

    “Not me…I’m just like everybody else!”

  5. It’s amazing how many people don’t read, isn’t it?

  6. “It’s amazing how many people don’t read, isn’t it?”

    No complaints here if it’s only Ayn Rand they’re not reading.

  7. The key to Happiness- is not to read the signs along the road to life.

  8. I think they’re getting the story wrong. In Atlas Shrugged, the self-important protesters also happened to have useful skills and their withdrawal from society created problems. If the tea-baggers would go away, society would be better off.

    It’s a good reminder that Atlas Shrugged was fiction. (And Ayn Rand would have had a lot of trouble persuading Galt and his folks that she had anything to contribute to their technocratic little society.)

  9. After viewing these photos as various tea-bagging events, I have come to the conclusion that the whole movement must be a form of performance art; the signs are just too obviously non sequiturs.

  10. So where were the teabaggers when george w. bush was beating the war drums?

  11. minimalist

    They were busy yelling at all those traitorous protesters, and cheering on torture, indefinite detention, and invasion of privacy.

    But don’t give us health care, oh no — that’s an infringement of our rights.

  12. there are a lot of crazies in the tea bagger movement. But Ray C asked a serious question, where were they during Bush’s administration. My sense is that the tea baggers are part of the Ron Paul following. Ron Paul was adamantly opposed to the Iraq war and the huge increases in deficit spending by Bush which have now been dwarfed by Obama’s further increases in deficit spending.

  13. LanceR, JSG

    One sign that you have “arrived” in the skeptical blogosphere: David Mabus shows up to post his usual drivel.

    Seriously. This guy’s nuts.

    Apparently, the existence of a 6 legged goat, Depeche mode making a video on the World Trade Center, and a vague Nostradamus quatrain about “monsters” proves… well… something or other.

  14. lance,

    you are blaspheming liar and you have forfeit your life…


  15. Anonymous

    actually we are going to ANNIHILATE of you f*ckers

    you lost your lives

  16. LanceR, JSG

    Blaspheming? Yes. Gladly and proudly. Liar? Not so much. Do you have anything other than bald assertions and threats?

    Didn’t think so.
    I’m covered, thanks.

  17. LanceR, JSG

    And if anyone has actually, “lost your lives”, I’ve got a box of “Lost & Found” lives by my desk. Please stop by and identify your life. They are really piling up, so please claim yours at your earliest opportunity.

  18. william e emba

    Ron Paul was adamantly opposed to the Iraq war and the huge increases in deficit spending by Bush which have now been dwarfed by Obama’s further increases in deficit spending.

    Regarding Bush vs Obama deficit dwarfing: you of course have it exactly backwards. Bush’s deficit is in the range of $10-12 trillion. “is”, not “was”: the mandatory spending caused by the Iraq war is going to continue for years, along with Bush-initiated bailouts and the Bush-initiated plan D for Medicare, a trillion dollar gift to the pharmaceutical industry. The deficit associated with Obama is so far in the $1-2 trillion range. With the economy recovering, there probably isn’t going to be another bailout or stimulus.

  19. “It’s amazing how many people don’t read, isn’t it?”

    No complaints here if it’s only Ayn Rand they’re not reading.

  20. Teabagging definition: sticking your testicles into someone else’s mouth. Yep, that sounds right about these people.

  21. Morgan-LynnGriggs Lamberth

    19,yes! And it was Pres. Reagan’s big military spending that got us going, not the tax give-a-way that he and Sen. Dole had to overcome with the biggest tax increase of all time [ inflation included]. Then there were more Reagan taxes. At least Dr. Laffer voted twice for Pres. Clinton1
    The ” Laugh-er ” Curve reflects overgeneralizing the principle of diminishing returns.
    Objectivists so blaspheme reason!
    ” Atlas Shrugged” as a thriller might be fine but as economic analysis, it blasphemes reason and humanity!
    Lord Griggs1947

  22. ” Atlas Shrugged” as a thriller

    It was not a thriller. Trust me.

  23. Regarding Bush vs Obama deficit dwarfing: you of course have it exactly backwards. Bush’s deficit is in the range of $10-12 trillion. “is”, not “was”: the mandatory spending caused by the Iraq war is going to continue for years, along with Bush-initiated bailouts and the Bush-initiated plan

  24. ChicagoMolly

    I’m half-convinced that the Tbag movement has been infiltrated by undercover satirist commando units who put up the “We Are John Galt” and “Get The Government Out of My Medicare” posters knowing the real Baggers are too stupid to get the joke (let alone that the joke is on them).

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