Want to be a wind up china doll?

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Take Pristiq. Warning: side effects include becoming a fat wind up doll.


9 responses to “Want to be a wind up china doll?”

  1. Sari Everna

    Every time I see this commercial, I can’t help but think “will turn you into a robot”. After all, wind-up toys are just a really simple robot.

    And I believe this type of toy is usually painted metal, not china, although I suspect they CGIed the toy so I’m not surprised it looks like china.

  2. Is it just me (not being accustomed to commercials about prescription drugs) or isn’t it rather funny that most of the commercial is about all the stuff that can go wrong if you take the mediciation?

  3. Katharine

    That windup china doll is fat?

    What, would you prefer it be anorexic?

  4. @Katharine, weight gain is a side effect of many SSRIs, but the commercial does not show the robot experiencing any of them.

  5. And then there’s the anorgasmia. My patients LOVE that.

  6. A friend of mine hypothesizes that the required side effect disclaimers are what sell these drugs.

  7. This reminds me of the old Alice Cooper song “Wind Up Toy”….

  8. I don’t know about Pristiq, but some other antidepressants can make you emotionally flat … interesting since that also seems to be a symptom of depression. I know that when I was taking Paxil you couldn’t make me get emotional about anything … good or bad … kind of Spock-like.

  9. This happens all the time. The patent runs out for a drug (in this case, effexor) so they patent the metabolite and market it as a new drug.

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