Rest in Peace, Thomas Kinkade

Thomas Kinkade, painter of pablum and our nation’s most collected living artist, died on Good Friday. Hmmmm.


10 responses to “Rest in Peace, Thomas Kinkade”

  1. Emory K.

    Some much-improved Kinkade paintings can be seen here:
    There’s also a Part II.

  2. starskeptic

    pablum yes – but to see an original under the right lighting conditions is magical.

  3. Kinkade paintings always reminded me of movies shot in the late 60s when an aging starlet would be filmed through gauze to soften the appearance of age and present them in a flattering glow. They are idealized pictures of idealized subject with all the idealization turned up to eleven.
    At a surface level they are bright and hopeful but they go a bit too far. The happiness is a little over the line toward manic, the brightness a few clicks past what is natural, the arrangement too convenient and forced. At first it brings a slight smile … then a grimace, and, with time … barring Thorazine, a murderous rage.
    Similar results are seen in prisons with calming rooms painted pink. Prolonged exposure promotes hostility.

  4. The worst thing to grace America’s walls since the paintings of clowns and the kids with the big eyes at least they made me laugh Kinkade made my teeth grind

  5. For someone who called himself a “painter of light” Kinkade had a serious issue with shadows and making his work look dimensional. They always seem so flat to me. It’s too much bright colors and even lighting of everything. The example you chose for the post illustrates this exactly, if the sun is still bright enough to illuminate the sky and the roof of the house so brightly it would also drown out any light inside the house so you would never see reflected on the snow. Also, when was the last time you saw lights behind windows light up exterior walls? Yes, it’s artistic license but it also robs the painting of anything that could be the least bit dynamic or interesting.

  6. Anonymous #2

    I apologize for this being off-topic. You may be interested to know that The Dr. Phil Show will air a segment on “chronic” Lyme disease Friday, April 13, 2012.
    Dr. Paul Auwaerter, Clinical Director, Division of Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins and ILADS physician Dr. Chitra Bhakta ( will be featured, along with two so-called chronic Lyme disease patients.
    I have extensive experience with both ‘sides’ of this debate. Please watch the show and offer your support to Dr. Auwaerter.

  7. Calli Arcale

    “Thomas Kinkade, painter of pablum and our nation’s most collected living artist, died on Good Friday.”
    Well, everybody’s gotta die sometime. Some will die on Good Friday. There are only 366 days in 2012, after all. 😉

    Kinkade was not without talent, take a look at these backgrounds he did for Ralph Bakshi’s Fire and Ice. If he had done these and ran those galleries he would have been a legend. No kidding. Instead he was notorious.

  9. thomas süpper bir çizim olmuş elerine sağlık kinkade adınını verdiiniz bu tabloyu. bence ince ayrıntıları bile muşteneşem yapmışsınız. buralarda meslekkursu çalaşmırı yapılırı siztden bir resim yağlı boya guaj tekniğini hakında bir çalışma yapılarıbirimi olarakda.

  10. Hello!!! These were sold in mall stores with a rustic name to guys like me! Do you really think I am concerned about “forced arrangement” or “dimension”? Put your art degree lingo to rest. Some people just want something happy to hang up in their cabins…and by the way, life can look like that if you are looking through the right eyes.

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