A week without denialism blog

Sorry, things will be quiet for a week. Cranks, please don’t start crying censorship. I’m just not going to be available to moderate comments until the 6th.


5 responses to “A week without denialism blog”

  1. Kevin sanders

    The last time i was cut off, you stated and i sort of quote:
    I think Kevin might just be the single best argument for gun control ever. This guy is the one who clearly wants a lot of guns. Seriously. This guy. I think we just witnessed a psychotic break mid-comment. Kevin, you remind me of these crazed shooters, or at least Mel Gibson. It’s freaking scary.
    Well, Mr smartypant guess what. You are half right. I do have a wishlist of a few hundred guns, but that doesn;t make me a murderer. And yes i still use my comments about any weapon can kill just like the far left still say guns kill people. As long as thered is this far left trying to always confiscate what belomgs to other people you will keep getting opposition. Deal with it. If you try to ban people’s rights. expect a backlash. That’s a given.
    Oh and Al Gore invented the internet, so he controls your blog. Gun control. Ha. It never has been about guns, but it has always been about CONTROL. Governments have always feared peasants who were armed usually becuase that government did something to piss off the peasants and keep them in chains.
    Yes I am sorry the soyuth lost. get over it. I am south of the Mason Dixon line and I’ll say it all day long without regret. Actually the south did sort of win. Look around. The most free states to live in are the red ones. Everywhere else far left tyrants run the show. Looks like we won after all. Have a nice day Mr. Constitution confiscator. Oh and my repotoid comments were not aimed at you anyway mark.

  2. Kevin sanders

    Oh and if I am a prime example of the need for gun control, then you must be a prime example of people who should never be allowed to run for public office. We need less controllers and more freedom lovers.

  3. Mal Adapted

    Holy Crap! Looks like Kevin has decompensated to the point of letting his “The Freedom Farmer” mask slip. If the only gun control legislation that passes is “The Keep Guns Out Of The Hands Of Kevin Sanders Act”, I’ll consider it progress.

  4. Goldstein Squad Member

    Atheists have killed millions without guns.
    Starvation, slave labor, disease were the most common tools.

  5. I want the right to own small tactical nukes( with a mobile launcher; I have a large garden) or at least a kick-ass RPG. Strictly for self defense of course! You see, I want to decisively out-gun my heavily armed, law abiding, bible-thumping neighbors in the not-so-unlikely event they snap and go ape-shit.

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