Category: Booze

  • Chuck E. Choke ’em!



    If you’re looking for some fun, family fighting, the place to go is Chuck E. Cheese’s. Who knew? The Journal reports: In Brookfield, Wis., no restaurant has triggered more calls to the police department since last year than Chuck E. Cheese’s. Officers have been called to break up 12 fights, some of them physical, at…

  • Say it isn’t so

    The NYT reports on a this article by Tomas Grim of the Dept of Zoology at Palacky Univ purporting to show a negative effect on numbers of scientific publications for scientists correlated with increasing beer consumption. According to the study, published in February in Oikos, a highly respected scientific journal, the more beer a scientist…

  • Intervention Denial

    Here’s a fun one from the archives–Modern Drunkard Magazine’s advice on how to beat an intervention. It includes this gem: Counter Attack Now that you’ve blunted their savage assault, it’s high time to launch your own vengeful attack. The only people bold enough to conduct an intervention are those who consider themselves very close to…

  • Making Booze II!



    Also this weekend we also made beer. So it’s time for another alcoholic photo-essay, this time on beer homebrewing and a brief history of beer in America. It all starts with a beautiful mixture of malted barley. Here’s about 20 lbs of barley, in Rick’s recipe there is a mixture of light and dark grains,…

  • Making Booze!



    This was a good weekend spent making lots of different kinds of booze. A long hot summer led to some really nice chardonnay grapes at the parents’ farm. It wasn’t a large yield, but the sugar, or brix were really high, hopefully yielding a nice end product. If you want to see how we make…