Category: Evolution Denialism

  • Ben Stein loses all intellectual credibility

    On his blog Stein espouses one of the weakest attacks I’ve heard yet against evolution, and not even original. It’s a pathetic set of logical fallacies. Basically, he starts from the assumption that scientific theories arise if they serve the prevailing ideology of the time period, and because “Darwinism” was developed during the Victorian/imperialist age,…

  • Michael Gerson is taking cues from the ID cranks

    Or is unintentionally channeling them is my conclusion from reading his latest WaPo Op-Ed entitled, “The Eugenics Temptation”. This Watson nonsense has somehow convinced all these conservatives that lurking beneath the surface of every scientist is a seething eugenicist, biting at the bit to escape and kill off all we see who are inferior. I’ve…

  • Denialists should not be debated

    Orac has brought up the interesting point that debating the homeopaths at U. Conn might not be a good idea. On a related note, in a post derriding attacks on consensus I was asked by commenters if isn’t it incumbent on science to constantly respond to debate; to never let scientific questions be fully settled.…

  • The DI has discovered Ioannidis too!

    I realize it’s fundamental to being a crank, but the persecution complex of the IDers is getting really old. The latest is Bruce Chapman at Evolution News and Views, who no longer satisfied with grasping at the mantle of Galileo, is now groping for Semmelweis and Lister as well. The idea being, as usual, if…

  • Creationists are idiots – Part 8,246,532

    I’ve largely been ignoring their stupid lately. But the sheer idiocy of a ID “mathematician” Granville Sewell takes the cake for this truly idiotic straw-man argument. It starts with an interesting question though:

  • Casey Luskin – Game show audiences and national intellect: a study

    I am always amused by this statement at the bottom of the Evolution News and Views website. It says: The misreporting of the evolution issue is one key reason for this site. Unfortunately, much of the news coverage has been sloppy, inaccurate, and in some cases, overtly biased. Evolution News & Views presents analysis of…

  • How Dare They!

    Denyse O’Leary points us to an upcoming criticism of the New York Times from the crank journal First Things. Their great sin? Allowing Dawkins, a critic of Behe, to review his latest book. He notes the curious fact that the Times should never have given the book to Dawkins to review anyway, without giving Behe…

  • UD gets pwned

    For a scene of pure hilarity and joy, get ye over to Uncommon Descent as they try spin the rejection of a “Evolutionary Informatics Lab” by Baylor University. Yesterday, the Baylor University administration shut down Prof. Robert Marks’s Evolutionary Informatics Lab because the lab’s research was perceived as linked to intelligent design (ID). Hah. Perceived…

  • Contrarians?

    I think Naomi Oreskes is being charitable when she calls denialists “contrarians”, but to each their own. Stranger Fruit has her response to the latest nonsense being spread by these liars. They’ve tried this before, and it was swatted down rapidly, basically the only way they can show any significant disagreement with the consensus on…

  • Accidental Honesty from UD

    Granville Sewell describes the UD approach to science – in a word, quit early. In any debate on Intelligent Design, there is a question I have long wished to see posed to ID opponents: “If we DID discover some biological feature that was irreducibly complex, to your satisfication and to the satisfaction of all reasonable…