Category: Evolution Denialism

  • Ben Stein read the HOWTO

    Reading You Are Dumb’s take on Ben Stein and expelled, I found out they have a blog for the movie! I’m so excited, because it’s clear that Ben Stein, in his introductory post, shows he’s done his research and read the Crank HOWTO. Check it: Some of the greatest scientists of all time, including Galileo,…

  • Premise Media Loves Cranks

    Anyone who has been reading Scienceblogs knows that the creationists are all in a tizzy over their new movie expelled, which plans to unite the superstar power of Ben Stein with the superscience power of creationism. My favorite part of the whole thing, based on my appreciation for quality crankery, is the built-in persecution. You…

  • Vox Dei Bait

    The debate is churning along at Monkey Trials, and I have to say it’s pretty interesting. Hatfield is doing a great job in this titanic struggle between data and “raw intellect”. Check it out.

  • Scott Hatfield to debate Uber-Crank

    Responding to an idiotic challenge from Vox Day Scott Hatfield has chosen to debate Vox at some point after August 15th. I don’t know what to think. On the one hand, debating a crank like Vox day is unlikely to do anyone any good. It’s not like a guy who doesn’t think that science is…

  • A big day for cranks

    Today is a big day for cranks in two separate areas, but the interesting thing is the similarity of the responses. First we have Casey Luskin of the “top think tank” the Discovery Institute (wow, they must be right up there with Cato and CEI!) blathering about paleontologists don’t know anything because of the self-correcting…

  • Genomicron wants to help ID out

    We’ve discussed the incompetence of cranks in their critical reasoning skills, and their inability to think about science in a lucid or productive fashion. But have we tried to help them? Have we moved beyond caddy criticisms and actually bothered to extend a hand to our fellow man? Clearly not. Rather than continuing to mock…

  • Now this is the genetic fallacy

    Hey Luskin. This is what a genetic fallacy actually looks like. The Darwinists devoutly desire to avoid the true history of their creed, and usually the media assist in the cover up–unknowingly, I would like to think. The “Inherit the Wind” trope that is monotonously employed by journalists–not to mention Judge Jones of Dover, PA…

  • Crankery is caused by a fundamental defect in reasoning

    Casey Luskin doesn’t like that evilutionists equate Intelligent Design Creationism with, well, creationism. I’m sobbing. But in a perfect example of how cranks like using the tools of logic to make their point, and then fail, he suggests that the assertion that ID = creationism is an example of the genetic fallacy. Well, that’s interesting.…

  • I know I shouldn’t find this funny

    It’s Ruthless Reviews coverage of the Creation Museum’s opening. I’d just like to say that I don’t condone dressing up like a mentally disabled person before interviewing Ken Ham. And I don’t find it funny, at all, to mock somebody for their religion. Even if they think dinosaurs are vegetarian, they don’t deserve mockery from…

  • Crank Magnetism

    Back when we wrote the Unified Theory of the Crank one of the main things we discussed related to crankery is their inability to recognize competence in others. As a result, cranks tend not to mind the crankery of others, since they see themselves as opposed to a scientific orthodoxy. Consistency be damned, they just…