Month: June 2007

  • Family Research Council endorses Homobigot Surgeon General

    Bible Belt Blogger brings us this excerpt from the Family Research Council’s “Dear Praying Friends” letter: Surgeon General Nominee under Fire – Dr. James Holsinger, President Bush’s nominee for Surgeon General, has been harshly condemned by pro-homosexual activists for a 1991 paper he wrote for the Methodist Church describing male gay sex as unnatural and…

  • Well it only took one day

    And Cordova has used the conflict between molecular and fossil data to attack evolution. Sigh. To busy to write about everything wrong with this. Go ahead and use this as an open thread to mock Cordova for being a predictable, quote-mining, dishonest creep. Also note, in line with perfect crank behavior, they’re still harping about…

  • Skeptic’s Circle Number 63

    It’s up at Relatively Science. Swing by and show them some love.

  • Victory over a parasite – the global eradication of Guinea Worm

    Hooray for science! The New England Journal reports on the imminent eradication of the Guinea worm. For those who haven’t heard of this nasty little parasite, it is a really horrible infection to get. It starts with the ingestion of Dracunculus medinensis infected water. The larvae, when freed from their copepod carriers, migrate from the…

  • Update on the Bees from PloS

    Those who are interested in the Colony-Collapse Disorder phenomenon will probably enjoy this paper from PLoS entitled “What’s Killing American Honey Bees?” It lays out the history of mass bee die-offs – which have been recorded extensively by apiarists, and discusses whether or not major concern needs to be paid to the problem. I still…

  • Tangled bank #82

    Greg Laden writes a very nice tangled bank. It’s a model for what a good carnival post should look like I think. And he was kind enough to link our discussion of Uncommon Descent’s remarkable ability to predict the past. Definitely worth a click.

  • How long before Sal Cordova quote mines this one?

    Nature reports on this new paper that shows a major conflict resolving the fossil and molecular records of mammalian evolution. It’s entitled, “Cretaceous eutherians and Laurasian origin for placental mammals near the K/T boundary” and the major finding is that mammals seem to have evolved largely after this boundary based on their discovery of fossil…

  • Only the best 5 second internet video ever

    It lives up to it’s title. H/T boingboing

  • Autism Crankery at Huffpo – Again

    RFK Jr. writes the standard crank screed in Huffpo, and it’s like a mirror reflection of the CBS news crankery that Orac takes on. Let’s see, it’s a crank screed so it at a very minimum has to have four elements. The wacky idea, a bunch of inflated non-evidence, conspiracy theories to deflect criticism, and…

  • Seed Schwag – and Banner design time

    I don’t know how many people knew about this – the sciencebloggers were informed a little bit late, but Seed had a competition on threadless to design a t-shirt in honor of our benevolent overlords, Seed publishing. Here’s the winner Also, you guys may have noticed our rotating masthead. Well, I’m announcing our own little…