Month: March 2008
82nd Skeptics’ Circle at Happy Jihad’s House of Pancakes
Check it out, the genesis of the Skeptics’ Circle. In particular I admire PalMD’s willingness to read JPANDS for the sake of the cause. Yes, it’s as bad as you thought.
Vox Day’s New Low
I love a crank that you only have to quote to utterly humiliate. From the guy who brought the logic of the Third Reich to bear on the immigration issue we have this thoughtful analysis of the real threat to science: As I have demonstrated in “The Irrational Atheist,” religion is not a threat to…
The post in which I continue to attack the damn libertarians
Also pissing me off this week is the continuing nonsense from Cato’s anti-universal health care club which is suggesting that increasing health care coverage will lead to an increased number of deaths because of increasing medical errors. Sack notes that “at least twice as many Americans are estimated to die each year from medical errors…
The post in which I pick a fight with Jake
Has anyone noticed how my sciblings are really ornery at the moment? We’ve got PZ bringing out the angry stick over Wilkins’ criticism of Dawkins. Physioprof is getting ready to pop Greg Laden in the nose over this thread (and I tend to agree it needs a rewrite). And then Shelley broke my heart by…
The Heartland Institute Crankfest
There is no way I could let the Heartland Institute’s Global Warming conference go by without comment, especially since it’s so beautifully conformed to my expectations of what a gathering of cranks would be like. I think DeSmogBlog’s coverage has been the best. But back to my expectations, we have experts of dubious quality speaking…
Things that suck about medical school
My least favorite thing? Being constantly ill. Of the eight weeks or so I’ve been back, I’ve been sick for about four of them. I managed to get by the first three or four weeks cold-free through neurotic hand-washing before the current cold circulating the hospital got a whack at me. It was a pretty…
Bad Charlottesville News
I’ve lived in Charlottesville Virginia now for about 8 years and one of the great things I love about it is the Corner community. I have a bar I like, there is a good music at the Satellite Ballroom where I plan on seeing They Might Be Giants this month. We’ve got lots of local…