Month: August 2008
I wish we’d talked about this earlier…
Dr. Signout, over at, well, Signout, wrote an interesting piece the other day. It’s a piece that everyone should read and think about while they can, because you never know when you may need to think about this. One of the most dramatic procedures in any hospital is the CPR, also known as a “code…
Detoxification: New Environmental Concerns Necessitate Action
As PalMD has pointed out, millions of Americans use detoxification to improve their optimal health and well being. But the wisdom of detoxification has an underbelly, one not discussed in the MSM: what happens to those toxins after detoxification? Unfortunately, those toxins do not just disappear. They are exuded from your body and circulate in…
My New Product: All Natural Pb®
Sciblings, I know you all are going to run out and buy my new nutritional supplement, Pb®. Pb® is all natural. Pb® is pure. Pb® is elemental. Pb® is balanced. Pb® affects one’s optimal health. Pb® is readily absorbed by the blood stream and accumulates in the body, competing with unnatural toxins that cause illness.…
Teach the (right) controversy
So, McCain’s picked a running mate. We don’t know much about her, but she has advocated “teaching the controversy” when it comes to Creationism. I’m sure her views will become more clear over the next several weeks, and we’ll let them speak for themselves. I’m simply interested in the idea of “teaching the controversy” (TTC).…
Get ready—flu season is closer than you think
Last year’s flu season was bad. Hopefully this year’s will be better (for us, not for the virus). The CDC is changing the recommendations a bit to improve the population’s coverage, and I’m hoping I won’t be quite as busy this winter. Last year, I provided you with weekly flu activity updates. I’ll probably do…
Hello? Disco Institute? Are you reading?
Perhaps I have delusions of grandeur, but after all, this is the (checking) 15th ranked science blog on teh intertubes. But despite my high profile, I’ve heard no responses to my challenge to the Creationism Cults. Creation “science” to this point has been based on bizarre teleologic arguments and arguments from ignorance. I was kind…
Mercola—still lying after all these years
It’s no secret that I have no respect for Joe Mercola. Every time I read one of his promotional emails or make a visit to his website, I see more fantastic claims. Usually, I don’t see blatant lies…until now…
Galileo to Get Statue at Vatican
Today’s Journal reports on the delicate task of creating a monument to Galileo Galilei at the Vatican. But there’s still some opposition. Check this out from the very end of the article: On the other side of the barricades, meanwhile, some Roman Catholics think the church has already done more than enough to make up…