Author: Chris

  • We Can Haz HandCannon!

    Mark, I find your post on DC v. Heller lacking in enthusiasm. It is not often that our Supreme Court finds a new constitutional right (except when big business wants more rights). We should celebrate this, thing–the Second Amendment. It must be important, right, since it becomes before the Third and Fourth! We should exercise…

  • NNDB Map of the Discovery Institute

    This is fun. Someone’s created a new NNDB mapper on the Discovery Institute. It’s called Theocracy Now!

  • How to Become a Cult Leader

    The hat tip has to go to that self-love-fest, BoingBoing…nevertheless, this is a masterpiece.

  • Ham, Get on Message!

    Jon Hurdle reports in today’s Times on nine Philadelphia-based institutions that are planning a “Year of Evolution” program for February 2009, to celebrate Charles Darwin and the 150th anniversary of The Origin of Species. Check out the comments of Ken Ham, which I think are totally off message: Ken Ham, the president of the Creation…

  • Ah, the credulity!

    Yesterday, it was the Times with “Experts Revive Debate Over Cellphones and Cancer”. Today, it’s the Journal with “Do Fuel-Saving Gadgets Take You for a Ride?”, which includes this little gem from a gadget maker: The EPA and FTC “only test the ones that don’t work,” says Louis H. Elwell III, chairman and president of…

  • The New Academic Freedom

    Stephanie Simon of the Journal reports today on what Sciencebloggers already know: that the creationists have shifted their tactics from focusing on activism on local school boards to pitching their cause to state legislators: Their new tactic: Embrace lessons on evolution. In fact, insist students deserve to learn more — including classes that probe the…

  • Denialism Can Be Illegal!

    You’ve probably heard that Wesley Snipes received the maximum sentence for not paying his taxes–3 years based on 3 misdemeanor violations. His “advisors,” tax fraud denialists with crackpot legal theories received 10 for conspiring to defraud the government of tax revenue: Snipes’ co-defendants in the case,Lake County anti-tax guru Eddie Ray Kahn, 64, and tax…

  • Greenpeace Founder Explains Departure: Group Abandoned Science

    An oped in today’s Journal by Patrick Moore, a founder of Greenpeace, argues that he left the organization because it abandoned scientific justifications for its advocacy. Moore argues: At first, many of the causes we championed, such as opposition to nuclear testing and protection of whales, stemmed from our scientific knowledge of nuclear physics and…

  • Today Is a Big Day for Denialism

    …because today, the first lobbying disclosure reports are due to be filed with Congress under new rules that flowed from the Jack Abramoff scandal. The new law requires quarterly reports, lowers the dollar amount of activity that triggers reporting requirements, and (my favorite), requires trade associations to identify their members in certain circumstances. Let me…

  • PETA Sponsors Fake Meat Competition

    John Schwartz reports in the Times that PETA: …said it would announce plans on Monday for a $1 million prize to the “first person to come up with a method to produce commercially viable quantities of in vitro meat at competitive prices by 2012.” I love it! This, in my opinion, is great news. Now…