Category: Wasting your time

  • Hiatus!

    Dear Readers, we’ve been completely derelict in maintaining Denialism Blog. Please accept our apologies. Mark is training to be a surgeon, and Chris recently had an enormous baby! We hope to get back blogging soon. Please excuse our absence until life is back in order.

  • Great Insight into the Randtards in the New Yorker

    Check out this week’s New Yorker for a well-put insight into the Rand-infected mind. Nick Paumgarten writes about John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods and his attitudes towards unions: …His [Mackey’s] disdain for contemporary unionism is ideological, as well as self-serving. Like many who have come before, he says that it was only when he…

  • Want to be a wind up china doll?

    Take Pristiq. Warning: side effects include becoming a fat wind up doll.

  • I Increasingly Am Horrified by My Sex and Apologize Collectively for All Men to All Women

    Exhibit 1001, on our great college and university campuses, this wretch can complain of coyote ugly. The nerve. Nice hat, BTW. Do you have a matching jersey? Ladies, imagine waking up with this puffy misogynist! Via Gawker. Exhibit 1002, Southern Football’s Dating Game in Today’s WSJ.

  • Gawker: The Best Blog on the Internets on the Worst Oped Page

    Alex Pareene has given voice to what many longtime Post readers believe: Fred Hiatt needs to be axed. Under editor Fred Hiatt, the Post op-ed page has gone completely off the rails. They picked up Bill Kristol after the Times dumped him for being not just wrong but boring and lazy. They openly allow George…

  • New Blog Endorsement Guidlines Released by FTC

    Bloggers, under new guidelines issued by the Federal Trade Commission, you must disclose gifts or payments for products that you review! Also your endorsements cannot be false or misleading! The FTC’s release advises: The revised Guides also add new examples to illustrate the long standing principle that “material connections” (sometimes payments or free products) between…

  • Strange New Art Game

    I’m a fan of Jason Nelson’s I made this. You play this. We are enemies. He’s just released his newest game, Evidence of Everything Exploding, described as: …Using documents, both historical and little-known from B. Gates, NASA, James Joyce, Dadaism, Neil Gaiman, Fidel Castro, the Pizza Box Patent and many others, the game explores those…

  • “…A Fifth Column of Insanity…”

    Here’s a fun article by the Chronicle’s Mark Morford on how to talk with complete idiots. You ignore them, in Denialism blog fashion. Morford points to this youtube video, which is divine:

  • Mass Delusion

    Update: looks like the picture expired from Tumblr. It was a picture of a teabagger in Washington DC holding a sign that said “We Are John Galt,” which is pretty much retarded.

  • Look at This F*ing Teabagger UPDATED

    Update: LaTFT!!1! Maybe the teabaggers just need ridicule, Morans-style, says Gawker: “Check out that fucking teabagger,” writes in tipster Stefan, referencing “Look At This Fucking Hipster,” the blog chronicling hipsters looking ridiculous. Unfortunately, while hipsters have to be sought out within the pseudo-bohemian enclaves of their respective parishes, people who can’t have any kind of…