Category: Wasting your time
2007 Holiday Card, A Bit Late
Those of you on my snail mail list receive holiday cards from me every December, but this year was so hectic that I never got to one. So, today (really tomorrow), I’m mailing my MLK Day cards, which will include A is for Abandonable, Chris’ Abecedarium of Dysphemisms (PDF). Use these words liberally to spice…
Back in the Summer of ’72
I’m willing to bet that you weren’t at Explo ’72, the “Christian Woodstock,” which received an encomium in today’s Journal by John Turner: In 1972, Mike Huckabee — still in high school — followed the example of thousands of other young Americans. He went to a weeklong festival, waded through mud and listened to rock…
Bibliolatrists: Quickly Dial 911! That Woman Has Been Shunned!
The Wall Street Journal’s Alexandra Alter reports on the newest reason not to spend your money and time at church: shunning has returned, meaning that years of devotion to your religious institution can be cut off if you do something like gossip or dare to question the grand panjandrum: On a quiet Sunday morning in…
Stuck in Vegas? Go to Red Rock Canyon
No, the Denialism Blog is not my personal travel blog, although it might seem that way lately. I was in Guatemala last month, where I encountered dirty hippies and woo, and learned about a new religion called new age. This week, I was at the Consumer Electronics Show doing a consulting gig for a large…
Defining New Age
One last note on my trip to Guatemala–as part of it, we traveled to Tikal, to see the ruins. Here’s the view from one of the temples early in the morning. Okay. So, our tour guide is relating various facts of dubious veracity on the ride to town. And then he says that a new…
Kucinich and UFOs
Today’s WSJ picks one of Dennis Kucinich’s old scabs: just what happened with this whole UFO sighting claim that he made? Remember that back in October, Kucinich mentioned the incident in a debate, but he has smartly kept the matter quiet since. Well, apparently, this incident happened when Kucinich was staying at Shirley Maclaine’s house…
Still Alive!
All, I’m sorry for being AWOL on the Denialism Blog. I’ve just returned from a longish trip with Dr. Girlfriend to Guatemala, where we visited Guatemala City, Lake Atitlan, Antigua, and Tikal. I’ll blog soon with some of the outrageous woo we encountered in San Marcos. But for now, enjoy the view from our place…
A question for Mathematicians – What is (monogamy)100
So asks the copyranter over this latest example of human stupidity: What’s even funnier than the absurd notion that a “Hearts on Fire” diamond will buy you monogamy (or that diamond purchases aren’t so frequently given in penitence for the sins of infidelity) is that really all it says is your man is a sucker.…
Cectic, keeping the fight against dogmatic parentism alive
I’m in DC this week working for Dr. Mom and getting my physical exam skills back up to snuff, so I’ll be a little quiet. In the meantime, Cectic is keeping the dream alive: I love these guys.
So That’s What Anesthesiologists Do
I have to spend a few days doing anesthesiology during my surgery rotation, luckily one of the other med students forwarded this helpful video. I had no idea it was so complicated. I also like the drug song: