Month: September 2007
The Joys of the Wall Street Journal, Weekend Edition
Ah, the joys of reading the relatively new weekend edition of the Journal…There’s always news you can really use. For instance, if you happen to be in Atlanta and are hungry, the Journal will tell you exactly where you should sitting at Rathbun’s, depending on whether you are an A, an A+, or A++. Floorplan…
The Coolest Picture You’ll See of a Nose All Year
National Geographic brings us the “best science images of 2007” which includes this amazing CT reconstruction of the nose and sinuses. Science magazine has the full set, but is behind a paywall. Via BoingBoing and Neurophilosophy
If you can’t beat ’em, smear ’em
Tim Lambert has coverage of the latest in the denialist attempt to discredit global warming science – the smearing of scientist James Hansen. Using the bogey-man of George Soros, they try to suggest that Hansen has been funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars. How many people, for instance, know that James Hansen, a man billed…
Skeptics’ Circle Number 70 – Conspiracy Factory
This week it’s our friend Factition at Conspiracy Factory. However, he makes the poor decision to let the world know about our contacts with the Illuminati as part of our anti-conspiracy disinformation campaign. Traitor!
HIV/AIDS crankery from a Catholic Archbishop
This is seriously disturbing. Archbishop Francisco Chimoio, who is head of the Catholic Church in Mozambique, is telling people that condoms are laced with HIV and HAART therapy is designed to finish you off. This is in a country with double-digit HIV infection rates. Archbishop Chimoio told our reporter that abstention, not condoms, was the…
Internet Roundup
Here’s what I’m reading this morning. An Orangutan stole a womans pants in Malaysia. That’s got to be embarrassing, but at the very least, you’d have a story to tell people for the rest of your life that is sure to entertain. Congress, having solved all other problems is looking into the language of hip-hop.…
Creationists are idiots – Part 8,246,532
I’ve largely been ignoring their stupid lately. But the sheer idiocy of a ID “mathematician” Granville Sewell takes the cake for this truly idiotic straw-man argument. It starts with an interesting question though:
Who Steals a Kindergarten Bunny?
I have trouble believing this, but animal rights extremists have apparently stolen a kindergarten bunny. Students at the Community Building Children’s Center arrived at their downtown preschool Monday morning to discover that their pet rabbit Sugar Bunny had been kidnapped over the weekend. Teachers found anti-circus flyers in his hutch. “Somebody stoled him,” said five-year-old…
HeadOn Works!
The ads work, that is. HeadOn, that homeopathic (and therefore completely ineffective) head rub for head pain isn’t effective. But it’s still selling, because advertising and propaganda often trumps evidence! Mya Frazier of AdAge reports: Those rapid-fire “HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead” spots are arguably among the worst commercials ever from a creative standpoint.…
Bring Back the OTA III – A history of the OTA
Chris Mooney has been nice enough to help promote our effort, and points us to some more helpful information about the Office of Technology Assessment. Now would be a good time to go over what the OTA did, how it was set up, and why I think it would be rather easy to set it…