Category: Wasting your time

  • Anyone Going to ACL?

    The 2007 Austin City Limits Festival starts later this week. There’s a pretty amazing lineup of bands to hear for $80/day, including some of my favorites, Blonde Redhead, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, and the Arcade Fire. My schedule of annoying indie bands is posted here.

  • Finally someone understands me

    This is an accurate depiction of what is happening in my head when I see this commercial. And you know, this idea that applying an analgesic to your forehead is just about the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. Your forehead and your brain are separated by a thing called your skull, and they’re even on…

  • Quiet Week

    I’ve been trying to get some work done this week, hence the slow week. In the meantime, please consider a visit to to the Unicorn Museum, soon to open up near another museum for other imaginary beliefs.

  • So many sciencebloggers, so little time

    As any scienceblog reader now knows, we all met up in NYC this weekend. I met many of my sciblings for the first time, including Orac, Tara, PZ, Chris Mooney and the lovely Sheril, Grrl, Zuska (we hatched an evil plot muahaha), Mo, Kemibe, Bora, Janet, Shelley, Rob Knop, RPM, Jake and Kara, Jason, Mike…

  • Pirate Surnames?

    The Telegraph reports on surnames which may indicate a pirate heritage. With all that pillaging and looting, it could be one of the bloodiest reunions in history when descendants of six of Britain’s famous pirates are invited to a get-together. People with the surnames Morgan, Rackham, Bonny, Read, Kidd or Teach, are being invited to…

  • Get a First Life!

    Today’s WSJ has a profoundly sad article about the real life of some Second Lifers. It’s worth a read, especially the end of the article, where you find gems like this: Back in the world of Second Life, Mr. Hoogestraat’s avatar and Tenaj have gotten bored at the beach, so they teleport to his office,…

  • I love Blogs 4 Brownback

    Today’s post is one of the best ever. Woodwinds are the instruments of Satan.

  • Who is going to see the Simpsons Movie?

    I can’t quite come up with a good reason to see it, considering seeing movies in C-ville is usually a desultory experience. Our local chains, Regal and Carmike, typically play 10-20 minutes of advertisements before the trailers. Being a Tivo fan, my tolerance for commercials has decreased dramatically over the years, and the insipidity of…

  • Need another fix?

    Now that all of you have burned through the 7th Harry Potter book like GWB with an 8-ball of coke in the 70s, what is left for you to do? How to combat that remorseful feeling of being out of such perfectly fluffy literature? Well here’s an open thread to discuss those other series which…

  • We will now resume our regular blogging schedule

    The laptop is…or rather was never really broken. Somehow the kitten managed to kill the cord, and the loose ac power inlet was an incidental finding. One new power cord later (for the life of me I can’t figure out how she did it) I’ve got my precious back. Some key denialism links though…